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Shopify Site Maintenance Services

Long-Term Loyalty & Value to Shopify Store Owners

If your customer is in the mood to buy from you, and unfortunately, your website is down! Damn! Your customer will not try a second time. This situation can lead to a loss of sales, brand reputation, and loyal customers. Let’s not put your relationships with customers at risk and opt for Shopify site maintenance from Devsinside! We power your Shopify store with 24/7 support and maintenance services so that you never lose a potential customer.

What is Shopify Site Maintenance?

Shopify website maintenance involves a series of tasks to ensure your Shopify store runs smoothly. The website, for example, includes functions such as product listings, payment processing, and shipping options. If any of these fail, such as when a customer cannot add products to their cart, or when the checkout process fails, it may result in lost sales.

A Shopify maintenance agency updates software, resolves issues, identifies potential problems, updates content, and monitors website performance on a regular basis. Your customers can enjoy clean, bug-free, and updated web pages without any interruption or frustration.

Our Top Rated Shopify Store Maintenance Services

As a developer, you know the importance of staying on top of updates and managing an online store. However, with the ever-increasing workload on your plate, it can be challenging to find time for ongoing maintenance. So, we are here to give you peace of mind:

Performance Optimization

Our experts analyze your store first and find out the loopholes and areas for improvement. We enhance your site’s loading speed and overall performance through code review, database optimization, and asset minification, resulting in a seamless user experience.

Security Audits and Updates

With security audits, we identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in your Shopify site’s infrastructure. Then we implement robust security measures such as regular security patch updates, SSL certificate management, and firewall configuration to safeguard your site against potential threats and cyber-attacks.

Codebase Maintenance

Our experienced developers perform routine code maintenance tasks, including version control management, code refactoring, and dependency updates. With this, we ensure that your Shopify store’s codebase remains clean, organized, and up-to-date to support smooth functioning and prevent any technical issues.

Backup and Disaster Recovery

Fear of losing your data? Not anymore! We implement automated backup solutions to safeguard your Shopify site’s data. It includes product information, customer records, and order history. In case of server failures or accidental deletions, our robust disaster recovery protocols ensure prompt restoration of your site to its previous state.

Plugin and Theme Updates

Our Shopify maintenance agency never forgets to update themes and plugins! We continuously monitor the latest updates and releases from Shopify and third-party developers, ensuring seamless integration and compatibility with your site. We perform systematic updates, testing for any conflicts or issues, to prevent disruptions to your online store’s functionality.

Bug Fixing & Troubleshooting

When your Shopify store encounters a technical glitch or bug, our team promptly troubleshoots and fixes it. To identify and fix any underlying issues, we use advanced debugging tools like A/B testing and browser compatibility checks. So, your customers can enjoy a smooth, bug-free shopping experience on your site.

Exceptional Benefits Of Shopify Site Maintenance

No matter what kind of Shopify store you have, regular Shopify maintenance is essential to keep it running smoothly and efficiently. The following benefits highlight the importance of Shopify website maintenance services.

Enhanced User Experience

When you opt for regular Shopify store maintenance service, your customers can enjoy a great experience. A maintained store means quick loading of products, easy navigation, smooth mobile experience, and ultimately more repeated customers.

 Almost 80% of people will shut down the site due to slow loading and poor interface because unresponsive sites can drive customers away, leading to lost sales and a damaged reputation.

Cart Abandonment

According to Forrester research, e-commerce brands lose $18 Billion in yearly sales profit due to change of mind and cart abandonment. Don’t you think about the significant reasons? 

This is due to slow loading speeds, confusing navigation, and complex checkout processes. However, Shopify maintenance services can solve all these issues and also reduce the bounce rate by making the site easy to navigate, use, and shop.

High SEO Rankings

Search engines also prefer sites that are well-maintained, fast, and regularly updated with fresh content. With Shopify website maintenance services, the experts follow SEO best practices.

 It includes removing bugs, fixing broken links, checking speed, upgrading meta descriptions, and blog posts with new keywords. With this, you can get organic traffic and greater visibility for your brand.

Streamlined Site Management

A Shopify maintenance agency benefits your store by controlling various aspects of your online store. They consistently update content, products, and promotions, and you ensure that your site remains relevant and engaging for your target audience.

 They also have a keen eye on the backend, including inventory management and order processing to reduce operational overhead.

Improved Analytics Insights

Do you know with Shopify store maintenance you can gather valuable insights from analytics data to optimize performance and drive growth? Yes, it’s true. The team monitors key metrics such as traffic sources, user behavior, and conversion rates, and then identifies trends, patterns, and areas for improvement. 

These insights can fine-tune your marketing strategies, distill product offerings, and improve the shopping experience for your audience.

Secure the Store

Maintenance does not mean only looking at the SEO factors! It also secures your online Shopify store. When experts update the software, plugins, and patches, there is less risk of a security breach and protect your customers’ data. 

Regular maintenance helps to shield your Shopify site from malware, hacking attempts, and other security threats. After all, ranked and well-functioned sites are prone to ransomware attacks.

What If You Don’t Have Time to Maintain Your Shopify Site?

Here are a bunch of consequences that you may face:

  • It becomes outdated and vulnerable to security threats if you don’t regularly update or maintain your Shopify site.
  • Poor user experience and slow site speed can result in lower conversion rates and revenue.
  • Your website falls in search engine rankings if you neglect SEO optimization, making it harder for potential customers to find you.
  • Customers can be confused and distrustful if product descriptions, images, or pricing are outdated.
  • It is also possible for your site to experience downtime or crashes. It ultimately causes frustration and inconvenience for your customers.

How Devsinside is the Perfect Shopify

Maintenance Agency For You?

We don’t believe in just building the website and leaving it to you. We make our experts responsible for keeping your site updated and maintained. You can choose us because:

Pick the Best Solution

How do you know which update is best for your store? You don’t really, but we certainly do. Without experience, you are unlikely to know which version of a plugin or theme will work best for your store. We have the expertise and resources to pick the perfect solution for your Shopify site.

Constant Monitoring & Backups

Do you monitor your website regularly? Or keep a backup in case something goes wrong? With Devsinside, we not only constantly monitor your site for any issues or updates but also take regular backups to ensure the safety of your data.

Budgeted Solutions

Running a smooth business is always costly. We understand that you want to minimize your expenses and focus on growing your business. You can choose your Shopify site maintenance package after evaluating our different pricing plans.

Expert Support

The 24/7 expert support we provide is what sets us apart. The best part is, that you don’t have to worry about any additional costs for this support. Our team of experts is always available to assist you with any issues or questions you may have.

Get Your Hands Free with Our Shopify Store Maintenance Services!

Devsinside is a one-stop solution for all your Shopify maintenance needs. If you don’t have the time or resources to maintain your Shopify site, hand it over to us! Our pro-Shopify developers and designers are here to help. Let’s join hands and keep your Shopify store up-to-date, secure, and running at its best!


Frequently Asked Questions

We try to answer the best possible question you can have in mind. Contact us for more answers

Which plan is suitable for my Shopify store maintenance?

The packages we offer are based on the size and needs of your business. You have the option to choose the number of hours and experts you need to maintain your store. We can determine the best Shopify plan for you with a free consultation.

How much does Shopify maintenance cost?

The cost of the package depends on the plan and services you select. We offer competitive rates and flexible payment options to fit your budget.

Is Shopify maintenance necessary if my store is running smoothly?

Yes, regular maintenance is important for the long-term success of your Shopify store. It ensures that your site remains secure, up-to-date, and optimized for a seamless user experience.

Can I hire Devsinside for one-time maintenance services?

Yes, we offer one-time maintenance services as well. However, regular maintenance is recommended for the best results and overall health of your Shopify site.